So I have a puppy. I am besotted with my little puppy. .
I mean, I knew I would love him, how could you not?? But this absolute, unconditional love, wow-wee.
So I am training my little puppy.
The other day I was creating a positive association to his name. I would call him. Wait for him to come to me. Give him huge cuddles.Then call him again. Wait for him to come to me. Give him some food.
I am doing my best not to use his name when he does something naughty or wrong. Because that could create a negative association to his name. And I want him to come back to me when I call for him at the beach.
I am also teaching him some other little things (he’s only 8 weeks). Today we were playing in the pool. Each time he had a little swim I gave him some food and a big cuddle. Each time he managed to get out on his own I gave him some food and some happy congrats. So that was me showing him positive reinforcement. Attaching an activity to a pleasant feeling.
Yeah okay Kirsten, we get that you have the cutest puppy in the whole wide world, what has this got to do with SIBO????
If you’ve had digestive issues and/or SIBO for awhile, chances are your relationship to food isn’t a super easy one.
Totally understandable.
From a very, very young age I learnt that food hurt. I learnt that when I ate my tummy puffed out. I learnt that I often felt sleepy when I ate. And I learnt that actually, I felt better if I didn’t eat.
So up until the age of about 25 years old I had a bit of a tough time with my relationship to food. But then I started training to become a Naturopath (universe helped me out with my calling). And I learnt how to eat in a way that made me feel good. I learnt about herbal medicine that could help me heal. I learnt a whollllle bunch more about the emotional connection to our physical health. Ah-mah-zing.
I can still remember how life altering it was to eat a meal, and feel BETTER for it, when I finally got on the right track. No pain. No bloating. No tiredness
Bit by bit, I began to change my relationship and beliefs to food. I started to get POSITiVE REINFORCEMENT.
So where to start for you? Wherever you are currently at. If you are in the middle of your SIBO treatment, and you’re only eating at home because it’s safe, how about trying a meal out this week?
Just a simple one. Steak / seafood tend to be good choices as they aren’t marinated.
Then you could just ask for some grilled veggies on the side.
Eating out isn’t just about the food. It’s about the experience. Going out to eat with a friend or loved one will be a pleasant experience. That can help to create a positive reinforcement around food. Voila!
Or what about that holiday you’d love to go on but are considering not booking because you wont have complete control over your food?. Why don’t you contact the place you’re thinking of going and ask them beforehand if they can accommodate your current food needs?. Blame me if you like, “My Naturopath has me on a very special diet, are you able to help me with this….?”
People love to help if they can! Holidays can be wonderful food for the soul.
Positive reinforcement.
Off you go!
Baby steps my friend. You can do it.
Lots of love,
Kirsten x x x .