Yup. We’re talking poop again!
This one is quite common with IBS & SIBO
Pain in the abdomen (belly), that goes away after you do a poo.
The most common cause for this is something called “VISCERAL HYPERSENSITIVITY”.
In normal speak that means that the nerve endings in the lining of the digestive tract are a little oversensitive.
Sensitive nerves are more reactive nerves.
If you’ve got kids, how calm would you say you are at the end of the summer holidays?
If you’re in the beginning stages of a new business with an endless to do list, how chilled are you when something goes wrong?
If you’ve been stuck in traffic for 45 minutes how monk-like are you by the time get home?
I bet not so much. Probs more reactive than usual….
If you’ve been under pressure for a while your nervous system is going to be more sensitive. And it’s going to be more reactive.
In our guts we have the “enteric nervous system”.
Enteric = intestines.
So, nerves in the intestines.
There are actually more nerve endings in the enteric nervous system than there are in the spinal cord!!
The two biggest causes for this “Visceral Hypersensitivity” would be INFLAMMATION and LEAKY GUT.
Something that is absolutely amazeballs for healing both those things??
Turmeric is SUCH a rad herb.
To eat enough to get the therapeutic benefit would actually be pretty hard, you’d need to eat heaps!
So Turmeric is a good one to get in supplement form.
The “MERIVA®” complex is a patented form that is really great.
Nice and potent. Well absorbed.
Amazing for reducing inflammation.
Amazing for healing leaky gut.
Amazing for reducing visceral hypersensitivity.
Pain before a poo? Look into VISCERAL HYPERSENSITIVITY.
Bloated and gassy, but your belly doesn’t really puff out?
Visceral hypersensitivity could be one of the pieces to your puzzle.
Soothe those nerves!
Healthy Gut = Healthy Body
Healthy Body = Healthy Mind
Healthy Mind = Healthy Life
Yeah life!
Lots of love,
Kirsten x x x